Another weekend of conversations with friends, late into the hours of the following morning… Spirit led, in the presence of God the Father… I had 2 such evenings over the weekend, about topics that is most definitely worth a share. Some food for thought and meditation for the week.

I am sitting at a cross road, as probably most of us. A Cross road of choices, I know God will bless me with either… Do I go left or right? “God, what do you want me to do?” This question has been followed by silence for the past few weeks. There is no need to panic when God is silent, it doesn’t mean you stop asking and praying though, pursue His will in every choice you are faced. It makes me to seek His attention and presence even more…Sometimes His silence is the answer. What is comforting is that I know His name is also EL ROI (The God who sees me). He hears every prayer, He sees every action, and reaction…

I weighed up all pro’s and con’s, and then my friend dropped a question… “Which choice will give God more praise?” Now, will I praise God as my Protector, or will I praise God as my Provider; He is both, and more… but which one will stretch me in trusting Him more, which one will be a miracle that could only come from Him, and not in my own strength? Which one will grow me? Do I enter a space of comfort, which is readily available. Or do I stretch my faith and trust, into unfamiliar territory?

The following night I sat with another friend, and the conversation was led in a total different direction, more focused on personal emotions and what we are willing to sit up with. Are we willing to do something about the state of our minds? Are we willing to change our circumstances, or are we content with our unhappiness? If we are willing to change, how desperate are we for “change”? This same friend told me to go and read Genesis 32. It’s about how Jacob wrestled with God, after striving the whole night in the battle God told Jacob to stop fighting, but Jacob wouldn’t let go, to a point that God dislocated Jacob’s hip, this didn’t stop the match. Jacob told God “I will not let go unless you bless me.” Jacob’s response gave God great pleasure, God then changed his name to Israel, and Jacob limped away with a dislocated hip, and a blessing.

A clear theme over the last few weeks in my spiritual journey is that God wants to reveal more and more of His true character to me, to us… God is complete, and the fullness we need is in Him. The blessing you are looking for is in Him. Are you willing to strive for it? God wants to make the unfamiliar territory known to us, in His presence and word we’ll find the true character of our Father. How desperate are you? How committed are you to your blessing? Jacob’s fighting spirit gave God pleasure, and God gave him the blessing.

How desperate are you for God?

4 responses to “How desperate are you?”

  1. Michael Placido avatar
    Michael Placido

    Your spiritual journey with God has just begun. We all have our own ideas, questions but I truly beleive that God is not just revealing His character to you, He is touching your inner soul and filling you with part of His character. During this time where you hear no answers, just be still and know that He is God….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. christopretorius82 avatar

    Such valuable perspective. Thank you for sharing your journey.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 🙏 I knew that you’ll give me another perspective…thank you

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